Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Problem with Rich Kids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Problem with Rich Kids - Essay ExampleConsequently, the author goes on to explain that equivalent and detrimental problems are experienced by the wealthy as their children who learn in prestigious schools, colleges and universities still have social and emotional issues as youths. The maladjustments levels registered in affluent children die hard to worsen, as they grow older en route to colleges.In a study conducted by the author in 1990s, on both the poor and the affluent, the juicy children were found to indulge in activities of substance abuse like hard drugs than their counterparts. Consequently, a study conducted by Luthar & Latendresse (2) corroborated with the views of Luthar as affluent youths reported the significantly higher(prenominal) use of cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs (Luthar & Latendresse 2). Even though crime is highly likely in poor youths, Luthar states that the levels of wrongdoing among these youths are comparable to those of the affluen t society (Luthar conservation of parity 4). In an attempt to decipher the cause of various disturbances among affluent youths, Luthar states that it is demand for high-octane accomplishments as the children of affluent parents expect to excel at school and in multiple extracurriculars and also in their social lives (Luthar Para 8). Many parents put emphasis on performance and success as they wish that their offsprings experience similar gratifications through the rich educational environment, professional lives, and experiences. As a result of the pressure, the children generate elevated symptoms of anxiety and depression (Luthar Para 18).

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