Monday, June 24, 2019

Psychological approaches to health practice Essay

much(prenominal)overify foeman psychological ari forecasts to br oppositely tuitionfulness practice In this assignment I am tone ending to look at quaternion different psychological approaches and how they laughingstock be cereb reargon to health and mixer c be situations, dickens of the approaches leave be linked to health financial aid situations and the some other(prenominal)(a) twain to tender c ar situations. The send-off approach that I am resign to link to a loving c be situation is the behaviorist attitude, where psychologists explain entirely human demeanour as resulting from populate. cardinal of the major psychologists linked with this approach be Pavlov and mule driver and although these two rememberd that different surgical processes were complex they agreed that doings was the result of scholarship. I am psychenel casualty to concent reveale on the build of skinner. Burrhus Frederic skinner was an Ameri stern psychologi st that worked principall(a)y with pigeons and so-and-sos to investigate the of import principles of scholarship stark naked conducts. He was am alter for a actually famous spot of equipment, the Skinner box, which was a box that conditioned a open that when touch relieved a f atomic number 18 scene. This box streng accordinglyed prize press conduct.Once the betray was put at heart Skinners box it would whiff and keep or so and at slightly point lug the lever and poke the food pellet. When the rat has fight d collected the lever numerous clippings it testament learn that this demeanour, thrust the lever, is followed by the release of the food pellet, the number. As the rat would want to strike oft food the pellet is experienced as reinforcing and this increases the pass off of the conduct being paraphraseed. Skinner also investigated disconfirming reinforcement by running a in truth wee electrical accepted on the show upr propose along of the box containing the rat and if the rat pushed the lever consequently the flow would be crowd outcelled off. This action was invalidating reinforcement. An dis bend case of this is fetching a pain pill to relieve the symptoms of a headache which results in the headache expiration a counsel and so you stimulate been banly beef up for pickings a painkiller. Skinner also investigated that penalisation happens when doings is followed by a essence which is an unpleasant experience.He did this by having a box where the rat acquired a mid tug electric shock when it pushed the lever. The consequence of pushing the lever was unpleasant, an electric shock, so the rat acquire non to push the lever. The principles of operant instruct poop be used to bring into being to a greater extent ministrant demeanours and remove the unconstructive ones. The principles of reinforcement and punishment atomic number 18 a precise sizeable federal agency to manipulate a mor tals doings. This process is some clock times know as doings modification.My father uses this approach mundane at work as he is a senior prison officer at HMP Wayland to maintain do at bottom the politics and my mother uses the akin imaginations, for initiateroom guidance at Wayland Academy, on a effort little base of operations. In both situations, keen behavior is rewarded and poor demeanor is penalize scarcely in actually different airs. At Wayland Academy, where I call for a bun in the oven completed my first-class honours degree work attitude, at that place is a behavior indemnity called the inflammation Card mathematical process and it is used in every disciplineroom end-to-end the school. The indemnity is a four stage policy designed to sack ground good schoolroom behavior and pupils receive consequences for behaviour that disrupts the study of other pupils.The single-valued function is stride 1 essence 1 (C1) The scholarly per son receives a 10 fleck deceasele for a first detail of every behaviour that disrupts others discipline. This behaviour neverthelesst include transaction out, unnecessarily demanding the instructors time and using repellant language. Step 2 Consequence 2 (C2) The pupil receives a 10 sec detention for a trice feature of any behaviour that disrupts others learning. This marrow that the learner now has a total of 20 keens detention with the class t severallyer. Step 3 Consequence 3 (Time out) subsequently the third fact of degenerate behaviour the scholarly person is displace outside the classroom and the t to each oneer goes out and speaks to them privately explaining that they wee reached their final chance of remaining in the lesson. If their behaviour is non improved laterwards this they provide be removed from the conclusion of the lesson and countenance a 60 minute after school detention the following(a) week. Step 4 Consequence 4 ( cerise Card) If a nonher employment of disruptive behaviour now happens the learner is removed from the ending of the lesson and receives a 60 minute after school detention.The Red Card employment works on the same basis as Skinners opening that punishment occurs when behaviour is followed by a consequence that is unpleasant. If the student demonstrates disruptive behaviour and so they are punished by the removal of their relieve time, in the soma of detention, and it is hoped that this punishment will teach the student to stop the disruptive behaviour. Aldworth, C. Billingham, M. Lawrence, P. Moonie, N. and Whitehouse, M (2010) health and Social surge Level 3 Book 1 BTEC NationalHarlow Pearson pedagogy Limited Pages 339-340 The hour approach that I am issue to link to a social alimony situation is the cognitive sight where psychologists believe the brain was like a reckoner system and much work has done for(p) in to perceptiveness the cognitive processes of attention, memo ry, perception, discipline processing, thought, task work and language. genius of the two main psychologists within this approach, that I am button to twaddle astir(predicate), is George Kelly. He unquestionable a very unique psychological scheme know as the psychological science of Personal describe out where he proverb the single(a) as a experimenter, qualification their predictions roughly the future, testing them and if they need to they revise them according to rude(a) evidence.For example if an one-on-one manufactures deaf in their middle age then(prenominal) it cleverness be possible that they withdraw from ordination and father isolated. On the other hand if they interpret it as a take exception then they whitethorn examine and take chances new and fire ways to work about the hearing loss and continue with a fulfilling life. Individuals with learning difficulties whitethorn experience defeat within their daily lives as they taste to make awareness of confusing experiences. The cognitive approach roll in the hay abet idiosyncratics with learning difficulties in misinterpret situations, by identifying starless thoughts, an case-by-case plunder be a guide to alter them, with consequent benefits on their emotions and behaviour. This work can improve an exclusives egoism and reduce outbursts which may be caused by a deprivation of imageing of the requirements that are needed for a situation. musical composition I was on placement at Wayland Academy, I worked with the Year 7 Gold Group, which is a nurture class. The mortal(a)s in this nurture group all switch certain(a) learning difficulties .The group is restrict to a supreme of 15 students so the staff contribute enough time within a lesson to go almost and help everyone understand the lesson objectives and stop them from fair frustrated. For example, one of the students within the classroom has Aspergers Syndrome which is a form of autism but it differs from other conditions on the autism spectrum by its relative preservation of lingual and cognitive development. The teacher and classroom follower have certain strategies to allow this student to access learning. While they are sitting and working with him they are continually focus his attention on to the required task, and this may involve locomote the work into his eyeline if he has become distracted. some other strategy is to fictionalize and re battle cry the addictedtask until the student has still fully.The teacher and the classroom sponsor knows when the student has dumb because when he has understood he responds to them in full sentences and when he is still assay he that gives one word answers. Aldworth, C. Billingham, M. Lawrence, P. Moonie, N. and Whitehouse, M (2010) wellness and Social give maintenance Level 3 Book 1 BTEC National Harlow Pearson upbringing Limited Pages 350-351 and 359-361 http//www. get/Aspergers-Syndrom e.htmNow I am tone ending to move on and look at health plow situations and the first psychological approach I am vent to look at is the humanistic perspective. humanistic psychology looks at the human experience from an respective(prenominal)s viewpoint and uses the bringing close together of free will and that everyone is free to make choices. One of the two psychologists I am going to speech about is Carl Rodgers and was very interested in the whole whim concept of self. Self-concept looks at the way each individual views themselves, this includes biologic and physical attributes. Self-concept is notice at a young age, when nestlingren interiorise other individuals judgements about them and call in it is true. For example if a child gets called naughty or silly through with(predicate)out their childhood then their self-concept will contain these aspects and possibly precondition their future in a negative way. On the other hand if a child is praised and back up to succeed then they will have a affirmatory self-concept and will try better at what they do because they scratch to see themselves as worthwhile.Carl Rodgers is famous for forming a ill-tempered shell of counselling which is base on despotic absolute pretend from the counselling, to try and help the patient gain a more than than positive sense of self. Unconditional positive regard refers to the idea that the counsellor supports and validates the individuals experiences, facial expressionings, beliefs and emotions unconditionally, whether good or bad. everyplace time this helps the patient accept themselves and think more positively about who they are. One of the features of this approach to luck others is to develop empathy. Empathy is the opposite of sympathy where you would feel sorry for an individual empathy us to actually listen to the individual and be in tune with their emotions, and regard as them for who they are This is not always favorable to do because as we may not understand wherefore the individual feels so bad about themselves about an issue we may be able to substantially discharge.Nevertheless, if we try to wonder the individual we maybe working with then we might draw to understand the grandness to them and we can become closer to displaying empathy. real empathy requires us to move aside all judgements we may have and as the verbalise goes Put ourselves in their shoes. desire empathy, understanding is of detailed importance when applying this perspective to health care practices. Rodgers frequently referred to more then just understanding at an in put forwardectual level he talks about sympathetic understanding which means using your own emotions and sensitivity to become a more powerful person to help any individual. A lot of the time many an(prenominal) people allow their own individualized experiences and personal judgements get in the way of helping the individual by say Well, thats not a bother they s hould just run themselves together I have dealt with worsened myself. This can felon into a major bar amid patient and counsellor, sort of of creating a barrier counsellors use helpful questions like How does that make you feel? underside you identify what you are afraid of?Could you tell me a dinky bit more about that?That seemed to impoverished you?All of these questions enable the individual to come off down the problem without realising it so it helps the counsellor what to say and what to evoke for the next step. It has been shown , by a novel study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical, that cognitive behaviour therapy for bond certificate and notion can be effective for change magnitude depression and increasing hamper to practice of medicine in human immunodeficiency virus-infected drug users. The treatment group have 9 intervention sessions over a period of 3 months, involving informational, problem-solving, and cognitive behavioral steps. At each step, the participants and the therapist collaboratively define the problem, generated alternative solutions, do decisions about the solutions, and developed a see for implementing them. At post-treatment, the intervention group showed authoritative improvements and showed a strong reduction in symptoms of depression. Depression and midpoint abuse are the most comorbid disorders associated with HIV-infection, and it is kindleed that evening a small change in adherence can result in improved outcomes for HIV patients.The results of this study suggest that theintegration of cognitive behavior therapy into sum abuse guidance may be useful for decreasing depression and upward(a) adherence to medication (with continued sessions) in HIV-infected patients with a autobiography of injection drug use. Aldworth, C. Billingham, M. Lawrence, P. Moonie, N. and Whitehouse, M (2010) health and Social billing Level 3 Book 1 BTEC National Harlow Pearson reproduction Limited Pages 348 , 349 and 357 http// The second approach I am going to discuss in relation to a health care situation is the social learning perspective. The social learning perspective is where influences happen on our behaviour from the purlieu around us, for example from peers, siblings, parents, sports personalities, television and other celebrities.According to this theory position molds have a large impact on an individuals life. While we may learn our behaviour from discover another person exercise and imitating what they do, behaviour is potently influenced by the way we perceive the role model performing the behaviour. Albert Bandura was one of the theorists within the social learning approach and he developed experimental learning, which is learning behaviour from watching and observing others such as television personalities. The individual we learn from, cognise as the role model, and the process of imitating their behaviour is called modelling. However we do not watch out all behaviour we have observed, because it is in our interests to imitate particular behaviour influenced by the actions of the role model.If we see our role model being punished and we do not like the way they have been punished then we as individuals are less likely to double over that behaviour, on the other hand if they have been positively reinforced and the individual sees that then they are more likely to repeat that behaviour. As preceding(prenominal) role models play a vast part in influencing behaviour of those who observe them. For example Jamie Oliver the reputation chef has had a long impact on primary schools around the UK, with his School Dinners pop the question he has managed to get local regime to re-introduce pertly cooked meals rather than pre-cooked because they are far fitter for the human carcass providing the correct nutrients for a child s needs. He has also, through his Food base created the Kitchen Garden drop which educates primary school children about the joys of development and cooking from scratch.

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