Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Global Computing System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Computing System - Essay ExampleAttempts direct been made to solve most of these challenges by enhancing technology systems. In todays global computing world, advanced technology systems like multi-lingual Translation Engines, Distributed Computing, Overlay Computing, Component based Computing, Service Oriented Architecture, Cryptography Systems, etc have enhanced the experience of Global Computing to a large extent. These technology solutions definitely have enhanced the global computing experience. However, they cannot bridge the gaps in heathen acceptance of content of a Global Application. Example, a translator converting American English to German language might do an excellent job grammatically but the Germans may not like the writing style of translated script because of some cultural mismatch. This is the reason that some companies have preferred to maintain multi-lingual web-sites sooner than relying upon the translation engines. More everyplace, security has remain ed a large challenge in Global Computing posed by known threats and emerging threats turning up ceaselessly (Perrault, Anna H and Gregory, 2001 Jones, Cameron and Twidale, Michael 2006).Other challenges that needs further research & enh... egration, Data Consistency, Speed & Performance, Identity Management, Legal & Compliance framework, Quality of Service, etc (Perrault, Anna H and Gregory, 2001 Jones, Cameron and Twidale, Michael 2006).Description of the Project and its import Following are some examples of Global Computing platforms (Nicola, Rocco De, 2006)Internet An integrated platform of millions of websites whereby practically every educated individual of the world gets millions of avenues to collaborate with the tolerate of world.Intranets and Extranets Collaborative platforms deployed by an organization to interact with employees and customers.Virtual Private Networks Secured connections between clients and servers via site-to-site and user to site encrypted tunnels.Worl d Wide Web An integrated platform of millions of IP based networks which can be used by businesses and people to connect to practically any part of the world.Telephone Network Establishment of Voice over IP networks and their connectivity to local PSTN networks has created a virtual exchange which has empowered every multi-media enabled personal computer to act like a telephone. Moreover, such technologies have in addition presented Video over IP systems to global users such that they can interact with any Internet user across the globe using Video-Conferencing.GRID A well co-ordinated multi-protocol network of resources across the world managed at higher layers of the OSI seven layer model without any centralized control that ensures proper personalization to an individual, groups and companies.Following is a partial list of applications of Global Computing platformsKnowledge EnhancementsKnowledge ManagementBusiness Process Collaborations and TransactionsTrading, Sales, Marketing, Brand Building, etc.News and

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